Thursday, May 27, 2010

The kids lately

Posted by CHAT at 4:25 PM 0 comments


They occupy the whole bed when sleeping! The husband and I had no choice but to sleep on both ends of the bed to prevent the kids from falling. And when they woke up, each of them has to have their bottle of milk.


Seeing them together gives me utmost happiness! It was always a bliss seeing them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

To the rescue

Posted by CHAT at 6:02 PM 0 comments

Yesterday has been so taxing for me and the little girl. Our day started a little bit early when I notice Claire being restless at four in the morning. She has been trying to nurse with me every single minute. I thought it was because of the weather. It was so hot even in the wee hour of the morning. By six in the morning, i felt she was a little hot than the usual. I took it as a cue and took her temperature. It was 37 degree celsius. I let her drink plenty of water.

kool fever By ten in the morning, her temperature still doesn’t change. Thank God for Kool Fever – the rescuer. During the duration of her fever, she is extra clingy to me – not wanting to be carried even her dad. She consumes little milk too and would really drink milk until the last drop if she sees her kuya drinking milk too.

And this morning, she is now back to normal. I can see the return of my bubbly Claire.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bath time

Posted by CHAT at 5:33 PM 0 comments

Claire has finally learned to love bath time. She now knows to play with the water. And her kuya? He always insist that they’ll take a bath together.


Friday, May 7, 2010


Posted by CHAT at 11:13 PM 0 comments


M is for the million things she gave me,
O means only that she's growing old,
T is for the tears she shed to save me,
H is for her heart of purest gold;
E is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
R means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell MOTHER,
A word that means the world to me.

To all the mom’s in the world.. To my MOM who continuously love me and my kids unconditionally.. To my MOM-IN-LAW..



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To do’s

Posted by CHAT at 4:42 PM 0 comments

I’ve got to prepare the requirements we need to submit upon Joshua’s enrollment at Ann Arbor this weekend. Although the enrollment is still on May 15, it is better to prepare the papers early than to cram, right?

And for me not to forgot it, I have to put this specific list in my wallet and cross out what have I accomplished.

  1. Take Joshua to a photo studio for his 1x1 ID picture.
  2. Follow-up with his previous school if they have Good Moral Character and Letter of Recommendation for my kid.
  3. Follow-up with his previous school if he has a report card and have it photocopied.
  4. Have his birth and baptismal certificate photocopied as well.
  5. Prepare the money :-)

There, i still have more than one week to accomplish my list.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nail biting

Posted by CHAT at 9:01 PM 0 comments

I am one frustrated mother. You know why? It has been a month already and I noticed my kid is starting to bite his nails. I blame the husband for this as he has the habit to bite his nails too. I'm getting tired of telling the little boy to stop biting his nails. Help!

From BabyCenter

Why it happens

If your toddler is biting his nails, you may worry that he's anxious about something. After all, many people describe nail biting as a "nervous habit." But anxiety is only one explanation for why children nip at their nails. Your toddler may be doing it for a number of other less worrisome reasons — out of curiosity or boredom, to relieve stress, to pass the time, or simply from force of habit. Of all the nervous habits — which include thumb sucking, hair twisting, and nose picking — nail biting is the most common (almost all kids do it at some point) and the most likely to continue into adulthood. About a third of elementary school students and half of adolescents bite their nails, at least for a little while. Still, chances are your child will stop the habit on his own, either because he loses interest or because his friends and classmates tease him about it.

What to do

Keep his hands occupied. If you can pinpoint the times and places when your child's particularly likely to bite his nails — while watching TV, for example, or riding in the car — try giving him substitutes such as finger puppets, a squeezable ball, or a bendable toy to keep his hands busy. Cut his fingernails short so there's nothing to tempt him to bite.

Wait and hope. Beyond giving him toys to play with, your best bet is to ignore the behavior altogether. Your toddler's nail biting is an unconscious habit, which means he doesn't realize he's doing it — until you call attention to it, of course — so nagging and punishing won't help. And explaining to him how gross you think it is will probably just enthrall him and goad him into doing it even more. And if your child is in the throes of toddler contrariness — when everything you ask for elicits a hearty "no" in response — he might respond to pressure to stop by embracing the habit with full zeal. You'll see bitter-tasting solutions at the drugstore, but at this age, painting these concoctions on his nails will seem like unjust punishment. (They will be more helpful as reminders in the elementary years when he'll probably want to stop.)

Check it out. In some cases, nail biting — especially if grouped with other nervous behaviors — can signal tension. For example, if your child bites his nails so intensely that he tears his nail beds or bloodies his fingertips, or chews on his nails and engages in other self-destructive behaviors such as pulling his hair out, talk to his pediatrician. He may be suffering more anxiety or stress than is usual for kids his age. Most children, however, choose one or a few habits to indulge in (thumb sucking and nose play is a common combination), then give them up without any encouragement. Do your best to ignore the habit and all of a sudden one day you'll realize it's gone the way of diapers and teething rings.


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