Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Claire @ 11 months

Posted by CHAT at 5:51 PM

Whoa! In less than a month, my youngest, my princess, my doll, is turning one. Cliche as it may sound, but where did all the days and the months go?  She can now walk a few steps without any support, save on the times when she walks in a hurry. She crawls fast and stands up without support too. She loved to eat table food as well. She now speaks a few words - “dada,” “mama,” “ate” to name a few. She loves to clap her hands, kiss you, lie on your tummy. She has 4 teeth now and thankfully still doesn’t bite mommy during nursing time.

From WhatToExpect

If there's trouble to be found, chances are your little one is on the hunt!

Chances are your baby has developed an uncanny knack to get ahold of things he shouldn't have and get into places he shouldn't go. If he hasn't already done so, be prepared (with video camera on perpetual standby) for those first few steps as your child makes both physical and verbal strides this month. He loves games — especially those that involve pointing — and his interest in books will grow exponentially as he begins to comprehend more and recognize familiar pictures. A few things not to be concerned about: bowed legs (almost always normal and temporary); parental nudity (he doesn't care if you're naked as a jaybird as long as you're there!); and hitting milestones later than his peers. Remember, every baby is different and they master different skills — like standing and walking — at different ages. Children learn best and build confidence when you let them learn at their own pace, but if you're truly concerned, check with your pediatrician. More things to ask the doc: dietary questions, such as restricting fat and cholesterol in your baby's diet, and the best ways to ensure he gets the nutrients he needs. As for you, Mom, take a hint from your baby and get a move on, whether you're struggling with post pregnancy weight or not. Regular exercise will not only help you shed pounds, it'll boost your mood and help you sleep better at night. Now who wouldn't want that?


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