Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weaning from a bottle

Posted by CHAT at 5:43 PM

DSC05407 When is the right time to wean your kid from a bottle? As you can see my oldest who is 4 years and 4 months, already a toddler, is still drinking his milk from the bottle. We have tried to introduce him to a cup, even buying a cute glass so to say, but it only lasted a month. When his sister arrived, he insisted to drink milk in his bottle.

As I don’t want to get stressed during that time, I agreed to what he wants. Now, we’re having difficulty to let him drink milk on a cup. We are noticing an increase in his milk intake. He is now drinking milk four times a day.

Here are some strategies I need to employ to completely wean him from his bottle:

  1. Offering milk in a cup before every bottle feeding.
  2. Weaning gradually.
  3. Leaving the morning bottle for last.
  4. Cuddle and explain.

You can read the whole article here. You may also want to read this article.


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